Our Culture

“TIR’s Team-First culture infuses everything we do—from executing our collaborative value-creation strategy to identifying and analyzing unique investment opportunities, to our commitment to the firm’s sustainability principles.”
— Mark Seaman, Founder and CEO

TIR members meeting in the office

TIR is employee-owned with many of its original partners remaining engaged with the firm. Since its inception over 20 years ago, TIR has been guided by its Team-First culture. By putting a premium on collaborative analysis and problem solving, ourculture drives more innovative thinking and better decision making, providing us with a distinct competitive advantage.

TIR’s Team-First Culture as a Competitive Advantage

All companies have a culture—a vision, a set of values, normative behaviors, reward systems, and a communication platform. The question each company must face is whether it will explicitly create a culture that is necessary to compete in its industry or passively let a culture develop that is the product of dominant personalities in the organization.

TIR members talking in the office

Timberland investment decision-making is complex and dynamic. It involves constantly forecasting how fast trees will grow, how timber and land prices will change over time, how input cost forecasts change, and how these and other variables can beimpacted by various systemic risks. These analyses require the seamless input, coordination, and integration of knowledge from different expert perspectives and an interactive technology platform to support it. This also requires recruiting people from a variety of forestry and investment backgrounds as well as geographical regions and leveraging the experience, viewpoints, and perspectives that those skills and backgrounds bring to TIR.

We are constantly fostering a culture that enables and furthers our success in this rapidly changing environment.

To that end, we are constantly fostering a culture that enables and furthers our success in this rapidly changing environment. Our experts in timber-price forecasting, biometrics, land pricing and disposition channel analysis, in addition to local market supply and demand drivers must operate in a fast-paced, integrative fashion to respond to market changes and take advantage of inefficiencies and dislocations.