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Embracing Accountability
As an organization focused on investing in natural resources, we recognize the influence our actions and management have on the environment and the world. TIR is focused on practicing outstanding stewardship on the lands in which we invest for our clients and in the communities in which we operate.
News and Views
How the Incoming Trump Administration Policies Could Impact U.S. Timberland Investors
An investor with timberland investments, or with plans to make timberland investments, may be wondering how the incoming Trump presidency will impact the asset class. The potential effects are numerous.
TIR Managing Director, Chung-Hong Fu, Joined Expert Panel at CFA Society of Denmark to Examine Impact of Rising Interest Rates on Market Dynamics and Asset Classes, including Timberland
“Despite rising interest rates last year, timberland values reached record highs due to other market forces,” TIR Managing Director, Economic Research and Analysis, Chung-Hong Fu, explained at the June 26, 2024, CFA Society.