Integrating ESG

As an organization focused on investing in natural resources, we recognize the influence our actions and management have on the environment and the world. TIR is focused on practicing outstanding stewardship on the lands in which we invest for our clients and we also recognize our responsibility to be exemplary and engaged corporate citizens in the communities in which we operate.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Statement

TIR Europe is committed to:

  1. Integrating ESG principles into our business and investment processes.
  2. Being accountable and transparent in our role as a fiduciary and as a corporate citizen.
  3. Working collaboratively with our stakeholders and supporting economic resilience in the communities where we operate.
  4. Ensuring the health and safety of employees and others who are associated with, or impacted by, our business.
  5. Practicing sustainable forestry and promoting environmental stewardship.
  6. Fostering and sustaining an inclusive workplace where people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives are valued and where all team members have access to opportunities to grow and advance.
  7. Promoting continuous organizational improvement based on ESG principles.

Timberland Investment Resources Europe LLP invests in working forests, related natural resources, forest-based supply-chain assets, and renewable energy generation infrastructure.

As an organization, we are committed to being:

  • An accountable and transparent fiduciary.
  • A responsible and sustainability-focused asset manager.
  • A highly regarded environmental steward.
  • A respected employer and corporate citizen.
  • A positive economic and social force for communities.

We incorporate these commitments into our business by doing the following:

  • Integrating ESG screens and strategies into each phase of our investment and asset management processes to mitigate risk and to enhance our capacity to generate competitive returns for our clients.
  • Building strong, mutually beneficial relationships with our stakeholders and the communities where we operate.
  • Utilizing policies and practices designed to protect the health and safety of those who work with and for us, as well as those who are otherwise impacted by our activities.
  • Providing an inclusive, challenging and rewarding work environment – one where people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives are valued and where opportunities for professional growth and advancement are universally available.
  • Working to improve our business policies and processes by using ESG considerations to stimulate and support continuous organizational growth, development and improvement.
  • Embracing our responsibility to practice sustainable forestry, to utilize exemplary environmental stewardship practices, and to support and improve forest certification standards.
  • Developing and utilizing technologies and strategies that can make the forests and other assets we acquire and manage for our clients healthier, more productive, and more valuable sources of environmental and social capital.