What is the difference between forestry and logging?

Forestry involves a wide scope of activities related to forest health and management, while logging is more focused on the practical aspect of tree removal and timber processing. Forestry encompasses a wide range of activities related to the management of forests and woodlands. Foresters are primarily responsible for the conservation and sustainable management of forests. [...]

2024-09-16T17:17:57+01:00Sep 16, 2024|

What are working forests?

Working forests are timberland that has been carefully managed to provide a steady, renewable supply of wood for lumber, energy, paper and packaging, or more than 5,000 items that consumers use every day. Working forests can be either privately or publicly owned. Private working forests are owned by individuals, families, small and large businesses, and [...]

2024-09-16T17:17:35+01:00Sep 16, 2024|

How are American forests managed?

Forests in the U.S. are managed for different purposes, including conservation, recreation, and the harvesting of forest products. Most private forest owners, including TIR, sustainably manage their working forests using scientifically rigorous standards, systems, policies, and procedures that are incorporated into forest management plans that address environmental, social, and economic considerations. Generally, the trees in [...]

2024-09-16T17:19:21+01:00Sep 16, 2024|

What is the difference between a forest and timberland?

A forest is “a dense growth of trees and underbrush covering a large tract,” and timberland is “wooded land especially with marketable timber.” The words “forest” and “timberland” are often used interchangeably but as a sector, we typically use “timberland” as a reference to working forests – forests that are used in some form for [...]

2024-09-16T17:32:52+01:00Sep 16, 2024|
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