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The Emergence of Natural Capital Investments: How It is Reshaping the Timberland Asset Space

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (2Mb PDF) Over the course of 2021, the investment community saw one major announcement after another of institutional investment funds or organizations committing funds to the natural capital features of timberland assets.  In many cases, these investments were made in the carbon sequestration potential of forests and their capacity [...]

2022-02-03T18:21:46+00:00Feb 3, 2022|Research Library|

Hedging Against Climate Change in Timberland Investing

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (2Mb PDF) Global climate change has reached the forefront of the public’s consciousness in recent years and investors that hold natural assets, like timberland, in their portfolios are particularly interested in understanding the challenges and opportunities it may pose for them in an investment context. Forests, like [...]

2021-10-04T14:07:48+01:00Oct 4, 2021|Research Library|

A Step Beyond Timber: Considering Private Equity Investments in Wood Products Manufacturing in the United States

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (2Mb PDF) In September of 2020, TIR announced the creation of Mission Forest Products and its new “greenfield” sawmill project at Corinth, Mississippi. Prior to the pandemic, lumber prices stood at around $ 400/mbf.  Since that announcement was made, lumber prices skyrocketed to more than $1,500/mbf.  We [...]

2021-06-15T16:52:35+01:00Jun 15, 2021|Research Library|

Natural Capital: Timberland’s Evolving Value Proposition

Tom Johnson: Managing Director of Client Relations DOWNLOAD (2Mb PDF) As we grapple with the threat of climate change and the need to live more sustainably, the world's working forests are gaining increasing recognition and appreciation for their "natural capital" or ecosystem service values. These are forest-based values, other than timber, that have commercial and [...]

2021-04-13T16:38:46+01:00Apr 13, 2021|Research Library|
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