2020 Q4 Economic Trends
Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (4.3Mb PDF) Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research at TIR Europe provides a 2020 Q4 outlook on timberland investing.
Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (4.3Mb PDF) Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research at TIR Europe provides a 2020 Q4 outlook on timberland investing.
Mill to Employ 130 people — Produce 250 mmbf of Lumber Annually
Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (2.3Mb PDF) When the COVID-19 pandemic began in the United States in the spring of 2020, like most business sectors, the forest products industry experienced a lull in activity. However, lumber prices in the South rebounded quickly and dramatically and are now at all-time highs. This [...]
Timberland Investment Resources Europe investing outlook September 2020
Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (1.9Mb PDF) As we are in the midst of the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, China is a focus for a number of reasons. The pandemic will undoubtedly cause companies and countries to reexamine their supply chains and the risks associated with having too much exposure [...]