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So far Rachel Kelly has created 97 blog entries.

Natural Capital: Timberland’s Evolving Value Proposition

Tom Johnson: Managing Director of Client Relations DOWNLOAD (2Mb PDF) As we grapple with the threat of climate change and the need to live more sustainably, the world's working forests are gaining increasing recognition and appreciation for their "natural capital" or ecosystem service values. These are forest-based values, other than timber, that have commercial and [...]

2021-04-13T16:38:46+01:00Apr 13, 2021|Research Library|

Global Timber Market Highlights

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (2Mb PDF) As we begin the second quarter of 2021, there is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has upended the global economy and all facets of society – and the virus will have long-lasting effects well after vaccines have been successfully administered around the world. [...]

2021-04-13T16:36:31+01:00Apr 13, 2021|Research Library|

ESG and Its Growing Influence in the Timberland Investment Sector

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (1.3Mb PDF) As interest in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues increases, investors and investment managers are working to define and refine what ESG means and what ESG engagement looks like in the context of their portfolios and the asset classes in which they are active. [...]

2021-03-01T19:32:37+00:00Mar 1, 2021|Research Library|

Coronavirus-Led Migration Away from Urban Cores

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (1.3Mb PDF) In “Coronavirus-Led Migration Away from Urban Cores: Is it a Trend a Timberland Investor Can Rely On?,” our Economist, Chung-Hong Fu, discusses the migration from urban centers to the suburbs and more rural areas, which has been catalyzed by the pandemic. The pandemic coincides [...]

2021-01-14T15:58:08+00:00Dec 23, 2020|Research Library|
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