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So far Rachel Kelly has created 97 blog entries.

How Timberland Can Protect Against Tail Risk: Thinking Beyond Basic Portfolio Diversification

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (2MB PDF) As an alternative asset, timberland is valued by investors primarily for its return, diversification (low correlation with other asset classes), and inflation-hedging benefits. Less recognized and appreciated is the asset’s capacity to buffer an investor’s portfolio against “tail risks” — extreme negative market or [...]

2023-09-28T18:47:37+01:00Sep 11, 2023|Research Library|

Virtual Integration Value-Chain Investing in Timberland and Wood Manufacturing Assets

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (3.2MB PDF) In 2020, Timberland Investment Resources, LLC (“TIR”) announced the launch of our Mission Forest Products (“MFP”) sawmill project in Corinth, Mississippi. TIR was excited about this project launch because it was based on its investment philosophy of identifying and exploiting marketplace inefficiencies. In this [...]

2023-06-20T15:16:12+01:00Jun 20, 2023|Research Library|

Timberland Investing in a Higher Interest Rate Environment

Chung-Hong Fu: Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis DOWNLOAD (3.2MB PDF) In his latest white paper, “Timberland Investing in a Higher Rate Environment,” Hong uses data and perspective to examine the timberland asset class and how it behaves in rapidly rising rate environments. Importantly, he examines fixed income alternatives and how timberland is positioned in [...]

2023-01-24T13:19:27+00:00Jan 24, 2023|Research Library|
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