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News and Views2025-01-24T19:49:39+00:00

TIR News and Views

TIR strives to be a thought-leader in the timberland investment sector and we occasionally share news about our activities and our views about timberland investing and forestry issues.

To learn more about TIR’s activities and interactions with the press and news media, please see our news release and new article mentions archive.

24May 2012

Bonds for Trees: A Good Idea Hoping to Become Real

A Commentary on Unlocking Forest Bonds: A High-Level Workshop on Innovative Finance for Tropical Forests and Understanding Forest Bonds: A Guide to Raising UpFront Finance for Tropical Forests

5May 2012

Quando il Fondo Abbraccia Gli Alberi

La finanza abbraccia gli alberi. Non e’ una boutade ma l’idea, nemmeno troppo nuova nel resto del mondo, di investire in foreste…

30May 2011

Perceptions Surrounding Forestry

European investors have shown increased interest in forestry in recent years because of moderate risk profile and attractive returns, which include both income and capital gain.

13Feb 2009

Protecting The Plateau

The Land Trust for Tennessee and the Conservation Fund have helped protect at least 5,500 more acres in the Savage Gulf and Fiery Gizzard areas of the Cumberland Plateau.

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